10-15-15 Newsletter

NO SCHOOL: The end of the first nine weeks is Thursday, October 15, 2015. There will be no school for the students on Friday the 16th of October. It is a workday for the teachers. This gives the teachers a chance to work on grades and prepare for P/T conferences.
PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES: P/T conferences are scheduled for the 19th of October. The office and teachers schedule the first conferences of the year. If you have any questions, please contact your teacher or myself. It is important that attendance is high for this event. This is a great opportunity for parents and teachers to get together and talk about the student early in the school year.
HALLOWEEN PARTIES: Friday, October 30th is the day scheduled for Halloween parties. They will begin after 2:30 PM. Please remember only kindergarten students dress up for their parade in the school.
SCHOOL CLOSING: In the event there is need to start school late or close schools due to inclement weather or other emergencies, the announcement will be made on the radio and television stations listed below. KQNK of Norton is the primary broadcast outlet for the Norton schools.
KQNK Norton 1530AM
KQMA/KKAN Phillipsburg 1490AM
KRVN Lexington 880AM
KWCH Channel 7 CBS
KSNK Channel 8 NBC
KAKE-TV Channel 11 CBS
NTV Channel 13 ABC
Also, the USD TextCaster will be utilized. If you have not signed up for this FREE service you are encouraged to do so. Go to www.usd211.org – click on “BlueJay Alerts TextCaster” and follow the easy set-up instructions.
FIRE PREVENTION: A special thanks to the local firemen who came to the school last week to present information to the students on fire safety. We appreciate them taking time from their regular work schedule to help our students understand the importance of fire safety. They also want to extend an invitation for the students to participate in the Weenie Roast at the Fire Station on Thursday, October 29th. The costume parade begins at 6:30 and starts at the Parking Lot behind Moffets.
ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURES: The sidewalk east of the school along Eisenhower Drive is working well with students arriving and leaving school. A reminder that we would like to see students and parents always use the crosswalks in front of the school. There is a painted crosswalk that helps students and drivers recognize this area as a crosswalk. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
When parents are dropping off their child(ren) in the morning or picking them up after school, we ask that you do NOT use the driveway. The driveway is reserved for buses and for EES staff.
A friendly reminder that soft drinks are not allowed during lunch.
HANDWASHING: We have hand sanitizer available in all the rooms as well as in the lunchroom. Parents can help the school by encouraging your child(ren) to observe the proper ways to washing their hands and covering their mouth while sneezing or coughing.

VISITORS TO EES: A reminder that visitors to EES need to stop in the office and pick up a pass. This helps us monitor who is in the building during school hours. This procedure is for the safety of the children.