9-18-15 Newsletter

SCHOOL PICTURES: Students in grades ECD-6 will have their pictures taken on Wednesday, September 23, 2015, beginning at 8:30 A.M IF THERE ARE YOUNGER SIBLINGS WANTING TO TAKE THEIR PICTURE THEY NEED TO BE HERE BY 7:45 AM.
LUNCHES: This is a reminder for parents to keep up with their child’s lunch/breakfast money.
PROGRESS REPORT: Progress reports will be going home on the 23rd September with the students. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.
PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES: A reminder that Parent/Teacher conferences will be October 19th, 2015. There is no school for students EC-6 on this day. At that time, parents will be receiving the report card for the first nine-week period.
ATTENDANCE: This is a reminder to parents how important it is to have children in school. Having your child in school on a regular basis enables them to keep up with their class on materials that are covered. Children who miss a lot of school will fall behind in academics. It takes more effort to catch up, than to maintain on a regular basis. Please review page 4 of the student handbook on attendance if you have questions.
E-MAIL: If a parent wants to communicate with their child’s teacher they can e-mail through the district’s e-mail address. The e-mail address is simple to figure out for the teacher/administrator you want to contact. It is simply the first initial of the first name, the entire last name @ usd211.org. For example if you would want to contact me (Corey Roy) at school, my address is croy@usd211.org.
BLUE JAY BULLETIN BOARD: The district is continuing the Blue Jay Bulletin Board this year. Every Thursday morning, Superintendent Phil Wilson has a program on the local radio station, KQNK, that tells about the happenings of the district. Teachers and administrators of the three schools provide him with weekly information that he uses on the radio. I would encourage parents to listen to this broadcast as he describes many of the activities in the school district. The program begins around 7:40 A.M. and lasts approximately five minutes.
DROP OFFS: Please remember that the school driveway is for faculty and buses in the morning, and afternoon. A friendly reminder that is illegal to pass a school bus with its lights on and stop sign out while picking up and dropping off students.
CROSSWALKS: We are working with our students to use crosswalks at all times. It would be helpful if parents would support this and use them as well when picking up and dropping off students at school.
HEALTH: Germs are among us! There have been some students who have visited the health office with headaches, and stomachaches. The best prevention for keeping healthy is:
Good Hand washing
Covering mouth when coughing
Eating fresh fruits and veggies
Drink extra water
Get extra sleep
Parents please remind your children of these five easy steps and practice them yourselves. Children will follow their parent’s example.
TITLE 1 PARENT MEETING BOK SWAP: In last week’s newsletter it was reported the meeting was on Thursday the 24th. This is not correct. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 29th,2015. Our apologies for the mis-information.

TITLE MATH/READING HELPFUL HINT: Ask your child to explain the math skills he or she is working on in school. Ask your child to draw a picture or write about what happens in a story. Keep paper, notebooks, markers and crayons available in your home.