Picture Retakes Rescheduled
Picture retakes for EES, & NJHS/NCHS will be November 12, 2020. EES will start at 8:15.
Picture retakes for EES, & NJHS/NCHS will be November 12, 2020. EES will start at 8:15.
TO: EES PARENTS FROM: MR. ROY @: END OF THE YEAR THIS WILL BE THE LAST NEWSLETTER FOR THE 2018/2019 SCHOOL YEAR! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU: I would like to thank all the parents for a great school year. You have wonderful children. I have enjoyed working with your students and I look forward to a great year, next year! LUNCH ACCOUNTS, TEXTBOOK RENTAL, LIBRARY FINES, BAND RENTAL: Please check to see if your child owes for meals. If your child Read more
FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK NORTON PUBLIC LIBRARY: www.nortonpubliclibrary.org Please check the local website for summer activities. FUN DAY: Eisenhower will hold its Annual FUN DAY to celebrate this school year on Wednesday, May 15th, 2019. The activities will run from 1:00 to 3:15 in the afternoon. Joan Bolt is still looking for volunteers to run the various activity stations. If you are interested, please let the school know. Thanks! EES AWARDS DAY: The final day of school is Thursday, May 16th, 2019, which Read more
FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK THANK YOU: I want to express my appreciation to the students, staff and parents for the past few weeks during my absence from school due to complications from surgery. While it has been a difficult time at school the past couple of weeks, the staff has done a great job taking care of students and providing the best education possible. I appreciate the kind words, cards, thoughts and prayers that came my way during my time away from school. Read more
FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK THANK YOU: I want to send out a thank you to the staff and district personnel who has helped at the Eisenhower in my absence the past couple of weeks. I decided to have a knee replacement on Monday of Spring Break, I was hoping to minimize the number of days I would be absent from school by doing this over the Spring Break. However, I had some complications from the surgery and have had to Read more
FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK REPORT CARDS: Report cards will be going home on Wednesday, March 20th, 2019 SPRING BREAK: Spring Break will begin on March 11th and last the entire week. School will resume at the normal time on Monday, March 18th, 2019. HEALTH CLASS: The 1-6 grade students will soon begin the health curriculum with units on Human Sexuality. The 1st graders will review the names of the basic body parts. They will also be able to identify male Read more