03/06/2020 Newsletter

FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK REPORT CARDS: Report cards will be going home on Wednesday, March 11th, 2020 SPRING BREAK: Spring Break will begin on March 16th and last the entire week. School will resume at the normal time on Monday, March 23rd, 2020. HEALTH CLASS: The 1-6 grade students will soon begin the health curriculum with units on Human Sexuality. The 1st graders will review the names of the basic body parts. They will also be able to identify male Read more

2-26-20 Wellness Committee Minutes

Date: February 26, 2020 Meeting commenced @ 6:30 in NJHS Conference room Attendance: Joan Bolt, Jeremy Hawks, Angie Alexander, Julie Schrum, Mary Byler, Jill Lively, Jay Alexander, & Leslie Pfannenstiel Mr. Hawks/Mrs. Byler updated the committee on the effectiveness of our current initiative Grab ‘N’ Go Breakfast at the HS/JH. Currently our breakfast numbers have significantly improved at the HS/JH. We are currently serving 60-70 students per day. There has not been any negative side-effects according to staff.  Ms. Schrum Read more

02/28/2020 Newsletter

FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK STATE ASSESSMENTS: Just a reminder that State Assessments will be continuing in the next couple weeks. It is important for parents to send their child to school during this time to take the tests. Encourage your child to take the test serious, and do the best they can. This is an important part of the school year and we want the students to feel refreshed, relaxed, and confident of their ability to be successful on these Read more

02/21/2020 Newsletter

FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE EES KINDERGARTEN ROUNDUP: Kindergarten Roundup is scheduled for Monday, March 2nd, 2020. This meeting is for parents only. At 5:00 PM. there will be a meeting in the cafeteria with Mr. Roy, the school nurse, and kindergarten teachers going over what the expectations will be for the 2020/2021 school year. There will be time to sign up for the kindergarten screen scheduled for Friday, May 1, 2020. If you know of a family that might have Read more

USD 211 is a Nut Aware School District.

USD 211 is a Nut Aware School District. Q. Why is USD 211 a Nut Aware School District? A. Many schools are becoming nut-free or nut aware because the incidence of these potentially lethal allergies is increasing rapidly. Peanut allergies doubled in a 5­ year period (1997-­2002). More than 1 in 100 children have a peanut allergy and 1 child in 17 under age 3 has a food allergy. Peanut/nut allergies are particularly severe; ingestion of even tiny amounts can Read more

02/14/2020 Newsletter

REGIONAL WRESTLING: USD 211 will be dismissing school at noon on Friday, February 21st, 2020 for regional wrestling. We will start serving lunch at 11:00. Buses will run at noon. Norton is hosting a regional wrestling tournament at Stull gym starting Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. LUNCH CHANGE: On Friday, February 28th there is a change on the menu. The cafeteria will be serving Fish squares instead of the BBQ sandwiches. PARENT / TEACHER CONFERENCES: There will be no Read more