2-26-20 Wellness Committee Minutes

Date: February 26, 2020

Meeting commenced @ 6:30 in NJHS Conference room

Attendance: Joan Bolt, Jeremy Hawks, Angie Alexander, Julie Schrum, Mary Byler, Jill Lively, Jay Alexander, & Leslie Pfannenstiel

  • Mr. Hawks/Mrs. Byler updated the committee on the effectiveness of our current initiative Grab ‘N’ Go Breakfast at the HS/JH. Currently our breakfast numbers have significantly improved at the HS/JH. We are currently serving 60-70 students per day. There has not been any negative side-effects according to staff. 
  • Ms. Schrum talked about connectivity w/the community. She discussed the Pathways programs at the high school. We are trying to expand this to 9 Pathways, and are still working out certain details on each. The Pathways that will affect wellness are as follows:
    • Biomedical Pathway
    • Emergency & Fire Management Services Pathway
  • Ms. Schrum stated that we will start to offer a coffee shop at the high school, called Cafe Biblio. It will be offered before school and during AP. Students will be allowed to purchase a coffee at the HS/JH library. Mrs. Chambers is looking into calorie restrictions and nutritional standards for compliance.
  • Mrs. Bolt discussed this year’s staff wellness initiative: OSlimpics: This is a competition put on by the Kansas Learning Center for Health to try and get people to exercise and ultimately get healthier. There are teams of four and they will compete for a grand prize at the state level. We will have prizes at the local level as well. This is very similar to Walk Kansas which we participated in the past. Flyer was sent to the entire district staff. 
  • Wellness cycle: next year is EES – Mr. Hawks is trying to schedule Body Venture for grades K-5 for next school year. Tentative dates are either Sept 29, 30 or Oct 1 of 2020. 
  • Youth Forum will be March 26, 2020 at the Rock
  • USD 211 has decided to become a Trauma Informed District. We will be sending 2 staff members from each school to receive training to become teachers of teachers. 
  • Future committee meetings will be scheduled quarterly. The plan is to have them in the following months: August, November, February, and April/May.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm
  • USD 211 Wellness Committee is open to the public to become members. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Jeremy Hawks (jhawks@usd211.org) or Joan Bolt (jbolt@usd211.org) to join the committee