12-13-2019 Newsletter


WEATHER: We are in the winter months and we would like to remind parents to send children to school dressed appropriately. Gloves and hats in cold weather are important for students before and after school, along with going out to recess. A person loses almost half their body heat through their head.

SEMESTER: The second nine weeks and 1st semester ends on December 20th, 2019. Report cards will go out Tuesday, January 77h, 2020. School resumes for the students on Monday, January 6th, 2020.

HEALTH: The school would like to thank the parents for their support in helping remind children to wash hands and demonstrating other health precautions this year. The number of children sick and missing school has been about average or below average for the year. The school has taken precautions during the school hours with sanitizers and hand wipes in the classrooms and in the lunchroom.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS/PHONE NUMBER: During the school year, it is possible that some families may change home address or phone numbers. When this happens it is important to update the school office with these changes. There have been some occasions in the past when we have tried to contact parents and we did not have current phone numbers or current living addresses. It helps us to contact parents when we are updated with these changes. Thank You!

GEOGRAPHY BEE: Eisenhower Geography Bee will be held on Friday, January 10th, 2020, at 2:00 PM. in the band room.

MEDICATION: If your child takes medication, or if there is a change in medication for your child, please let the school nurse know the change. All medications need to have the doctor’s orders on the bottle. Thank You!

BLACK SOLE SHOES: In the past month, there has been an increase of black marks on the floors of the school. These marks are becoming very hard to remove. If we see a student making these marks on purpose in the hallways or in the classroom, a phone call will be made to the parents. We realize sometimes the students make marks accidently as they are going from class to class, but with the amount of marks on the floor, some of them are more deliberate, causing the custodians and teachers to spend time cleaning them up.

DONATIONS: Thanks to all of the wonderful people who have donated clothes, hats, gloves for the students at EES. The students who benefit from these gifts greatly appreciate them. There are many great people in Norton who help other people during the holiday season and the school appreciates everyone who helps.