8/30/2019 Newsletter


EARLY DISMISSAL: On Friday, August 30, 2019 school will be dismissed at 1:00 PM. Buses will run regular routes at this time.

OPEN HOUSE: We had 96.5% attendance for open house. Thanks to the custodians for having the building ready to go and a special thanks to the cooks who prepared the rolls for the evening. It was a great evening!

LABOR DAY: On Monday, September 2nd, 2019, there is no school. School will resume on Tuesday, September, 3rd, 2019, at 8:15 AM. Breakfast will be served on Tuesday.

ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURES: The sidewalk east of the school along Eisenhower Drive is working well with students arriving and leaving school. A reminder that we would like to see students and parents always use the crosswalks in front of the school. There is a painted crosswalk that helps students and drivers recognize this area as a crosswalk. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
When parents are dropping off their child(ren) in the morning or picking them up after school, we ask that you do NOT use the driveway. The driveway is reserved for buses and for EES staff.

A friendly reminder that soft drinks are not allowed during lunch.

WALKING TO AND FROM SCHOOL: We are asking parents to talk with their child(ren) about walking to and from school and what to do if they encounter an animal on the way. This is the time that snakes, rodents, lost dogs, etc…can be moving around town and should be avoided at all times. Thanks!

FALL SPORTS: Friday, September 6th, 2019, is the first home football game. At the football games, there are many fans that like to sit on the grassy hill to watch the game. We are asking students not to run up and down the hill or roll down the hill during the game, as this is a distraction for the people who came to the game to watch. Also, we are asking students to NOT bring footballs or other objects to throw around during the game. This too can be a distraction for people wanting to watch the game. If a student brings a football to the game, it will be confiscated and kept by school officials.
HANDWASHING: We have hand sanitizer available in all the rooms as well as in the lunchroom. Parents can help the school by encouraging your child(ren) to observe the proper ways to washing their hands and covering their mouth while sneezing or coughing.
VISITORS TO EES: A reminder that visitors to EES need to stop in the office and pick up a pass. This helps us monitor who is in the building during school hours. This procedure is for the safety of the children.
PICKING UP CHILDREN: We are asking that parents who are picking up their child(ren) after school to wait outside the doors on the East side of Eisenhower. This allows the student and teacher to close out the school day together. If picking up a child before the end of the day, please stop in the office so we can call the student down. This is done for attendance purposes and for the safety of the students.
MILK: Milk price for this year is 40 cents.
TRANSPORTATION: We are asking parents to talk with their child(ren) about using the crosswalks when being dropped off the shuttle buses in the afternoon. It is important that students exercise caution when being dropped off the bus. The bus drivers do a great job communicating with the students when they get on and off the bus, but it helps when parents talk to their child about the importance of being safe.
WAYS A PARENT CAN HELP WITH MATH/READING: Suggestions from the TITLE 1 Program. Math—Look for shapes and patterns in real life. Reading—Let your child see you reading, have magazines and books in your home.
It has been a good two weeks of school. The students seem to be excited to be back at school as well as the staff and myself. In advance I would like to thank all of the parents and guardians for what you did to help prepare your child for school. IT LOOKS LIKE IT WILL BE A GREAT YEAR AT EES!!!!