REPORT CARDS: Report cards will be going home on Wednesday, March 20th, 2019
SPRING BREAK: Spring Break will begin on March 11th and last the entire week. School will resume at the normal time on Monday, March 18th, 2019.
HEALTH CLASS: The 1-6 grade students will soon begin the health curriculum with units on Human Sexuality. The 1st graders will review the names of the basic body parts. They will also be able to identify male and female. The 2nd graders will learn the proper names for all the body parts and complete a health program called “Its Your Body: You’re in Charge”. The 3rd graders will review the basic body parts and be introduced to the disease Aids. The 4th graders will get a better understanding of what Aids does to the immune system and are introduced to puberty and body changes. The 5th graders will learn the stages of human growth and be introduced to the vocabulary used in the human reproductive system. They will also recognize that some diseases such as Aids are caused by high-risk behaviors. The 6th graders will review the disease Aids and review the vocabulary associated with the reproductive system. They will also discuss adolescence and puberty and its relationship to physical and emotional changes. Angie Alexander and Joan Bolt will team teach the 5th and 6th grade puberty lessons. If you have any questions about the Human Sexuality Curriculum, please feel free to contact Joan Bolt.
PUBERTY EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM: The fifth graders will be viewing the puberty / personal hygiene film once again this year. The boys will view the film “Always Changing – for Boys” with Nurse Angie. The girls will view the film, “Always Changing – For Girls. with Nurse Angie. The boys and girls will also have separate time that day with Joan Bolt for worksheets, vocabulary, and basic facts. All students will receive a Hygiene Kit with Booklet and samples. Please review contents of the kit with your child. Parents / Guardians can preview either film followed by a Q&A discussion time with Nurse Angie prior to the students watching the videos. This will be done in April so more information will come out when it gets closer to the actual dates.
STATE ASSESSMENTS: Just a reminder that State Assessments will be continuing in the next couple weeks after Spring Break. It is important for parents to send their child to school during this time to take the tests. Encourage your child to take the test serious, and do the best they can. This is an important part of the school year and we want the students to feel refreshed, relaxed, and confident of their ability to be successful on these very important State assessments. Thank you for your support.
STUDENT SICKNESS: A child needs to be fever free for 24 hours without having Tylenol or Ibuprofen reducing the fever, before they can come back to school. Students still contagious during that 24-hour period are exposing their classmates if they come back to school too soon. If you have a question about this, please contact the school nurse Angie.
SUMMER SCHOOL: There will be summer school beginning at the conclusion of this school year. More information will be sent out in newsletters over the next couple of months.
MTSS: The process of creating an MTSS program is a thoughtful and intentional redesign of educational practices and supports, provided by general education and entitlement programs, such as Title 1, At – Risk, and special education, to ensure that the individual needs of all students are being met in the most effective and efficient way possible. For effective implementation, building teams create structures to collect data. The structures support the use of data to guide instructional decisions and refine instruction. The data collected on the students by assessments drive the implementation of the instruction.
CALENDAR CHANGE: There WILL NOT be an early release on Wednesday, March 20th, 2019 for MTSS. Buses will run at 3:30.