2-22-19 Newsletter

FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE EES KINDERGARTEN ROUNDUP: Kindergarten Roundup is scheduled for Monday, March 4th, 2019. This meeting is for parents only. At 5:00 PM. there will be a meeting in the cafeteria with Mr. Roy, the school nurse, and kindergarten teachers going over what the expectations will be for the 2019/2020 school year. There will be time to sign up for the kindergarten screen scheduled for April 26th, 2019. If you know of a family that might have a Read more

2-15-19 Newsletter

FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK PARENT / TEACHER CONFERENCES: There will be no school on Wednesday, February 20th, 2019, at Eisenhower Elementary. Parent / Teacher conferences will be held this day for students in grades EC-6.  Please be sure to make child care arrangements this day. ALL parents are invited to visit with the classroom teacher but CONFERENCES WITH ALL PARENTS WILL NOT BE SCHEDULED. If the teacher wishes a conference, he/she will be contacting you. This contact may be by phone or letter. A time which is compatible with your schedule and Read more

2-1-19 Newsletter

FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK SCHOOL ABSENCES: Thank you to all the parents who call the school office when your child is ill or going to be out of town. This phone call allows the secretary more time to deal with other school procedures. You may be calling for one or two children, but the secretary may have to contact as many as 20 or 25 homes to determine where the child(ren) are that have not been called in by a parent. We thank you Read more