PICTURE RETAKES: The date for picture retakes is scheduled for Friday, November 2nd, 2018.
FLU AND COLD SEASON: Please remind your children to drink plenty of liquids and get plenty of sleep in the next few months. We want our children in school for effective learning. Proper nutrition and plenty of rest will help the students stay in school, where we want them, on a daily basis.
COATS AND HATS: Fall weather is here, with winter weather just around the corner. When the temperature gets colder, please send your child to school with hats and gloves, along with their winter coats. Students will need winter boots when the snow starts to land on the ground and stick.
HALLOWEEN PARTIES: Halloween parties will begin at 2:30 on Wednesday, October 31st. Kindergarten students are the only students who dress up for Halloween. This year the Kindergarten students will only dress up after lunch. They will parade at the Andbe Home, Whispering Pines and then around the school prior to their homeroom parties. Parents of Kindergarten students please send your child’s costume in their backpack and the students will dress after lunch.
PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES: Please remember that if parents have questions, they can contact their teacher via e-mail for clarification. To email your teacher use the first letter of their first name, then their last name, add @usd For instance if you wanted to contact the principal, the email address would be You can always call the school office for help, as well.
SITE COUNCIL: The November site council meeting will be held on Monday, November 19, 2018.
FIRE SAFETY WEEK: Fireman from the Norton fire department came to the school last week to meet with the students and discuss some fire safety issues that can be observed at home. We appreciate the firemen taking time off from their own paying jobs to spend time with our students. Our students look forward to this event each year.
BACKPACK PROGRAM: If there are families interested in knowing more about he program, they can contact the office for details. This is a program that can help families out with food products over the weekends. Food can be donated by families to help supplant the cost of the program to help other students.
CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: The EES Christmas Program is scheduled for Monday, December 10th at 6:30 PM at the East Campus.
CHANGE OF ADDRESSES: Please contact the office if you have moved or changed your phone number. There are times when we try to locate a parent and are not able to because of a change in living arrangements or phone numbers. Thank you for helping us with this matter.
VETERAN’S DAY PARADE: Just a reminder the parade is scheduled for Monday, November 12th, 2018.