VALENTINE PARTIES: The students will have their Valentine parties on Wednesday, February 14th , at 2:30 PM. This is one of the biggest and most anticipated activities at the elementary level. Please remember that students are not to receive flowers or gifts at school on this day.
PARENT / TEACHER CONFERENCES: There will be no school on Wednesday, February 21st, at Eisenhower Elementary. Parent / Teacher Conferences will be held this day for students in grades EC-6. Please be sure to make child care arrangements this day. ALL parents are invited to visit with the classroom teacher. CONFERENCES WITH ALL PARENTS WILL NOT BE SCHEDULED. If the teacher wishes a conference, he/she will be contacting you. This contact may be by phone or letter. A time which is compatible with your schedule and which will allow more time for visitation will be arranged. If you wish a conference with the teacher, please do not hesitate to contact the teacher for an appointment.
EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREEN: Eisenhower Elementary will be conducting a free Early Childhood screen on Friday, March 2nd.. For more information please contact Joan Hale at 877-5113.
KINDERGARTEN ROUNDUP: Eisenhower Elementary will be holding their annual Kindergarten Roundup on Monday, March 5th. This gives us an early idea on what our kindergarten count will be for the following school year. We will begin at 5:00 in the cafeteria. This meeting is for parents only, as we want to share important information with the parents concerning paperwork and important school dates for the 2018/2019 school years.
STATE ASSESSMENTS: This is a reminder that we will be starting State Assessments in the next couple of weeks. If you have any questions, please contact the office.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBERS: In the past couple of weeks, the office has tried to contact some parents, but have been unable to make contact with them as phone numbers have changed, and we were not notified of the changes. If you have a different phone number or address than at the beginning of the school year, please contact the office with the changes. Thank you for your time and help in this matter.
HEALTH: We have had a higher than usual number of students coming down with flu and cold symptoms this week. Please remind your child(ren) to get proper rest, drink plenty of water, wash hands or sanitize frequently, and cover all coughs. Hopefully all of this will help keep students in school. If there are questions concerning health issues, please contact Nurse Joan at the school.
EISENHOWER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in cooperation with Kid Link, will be conducting a FREE Early Childhood Screen on Friday, March 2nd. If you have a concern in any of the following developmental areas; vision, hearing, speech, motor, behavior, and/or reasoning, please call to schedule your child for this screening. Those eligible are children ages birth to 4, and turning 5 after August 31st. The appointments are approximately 45 minutes in length and will take place throughout the day. To schedule an appointment, please call Eisenhower Elementary at 877-5113 by March 1st and ask for Joan Hale.
MTSS: Eisenhower Elementary has been involved actively with the MTSS process for the past four years. The first year was spent working on developing our plan on how to implement MTSS in the school day. Three years ago was the first year of implementation of MTSS. There have been some questions on what MTSS is and how it affects our students. In future newsletters, the office will send out some information on what MTSS is and how it is affecting the students in school.