4-28-17 Newsletter


6th Grade Visit: The students will travel to the Junior High on Wednesday, May 10th, 2017 at 2:15 for the visit.  They will return back to EES for dismissal at the end of the day.

JUNE BIRTHDAYS:  All students who have a birthday in June will celebrate on Monday, May 1st, 2017.

JULY BIRTHDAYS:  All students and staff who have a birthday in July will celebrate on Monday, May 8th, 2017.  They will receive a card, sticker, Eisenhower pencil and a cupcake from the kitchen.

AUGUST BIRTHDAYS:  All students who have birthdays in August (up to the date of August 17th ) and the rest of May, will celebrate on Monday, May 15th, 2017.   They will receive a card, sticker, Eisenhower pencil and a cupcake from the kitchen.

SIXTH GRADE SPORTS/ACTIVITIES PHYSICALS:  The sixth grade students will obtain sports/activities physicals on Wednesday, May 3rd, at 9:00 A.M., at the Junior High.  Physical forms will be distributed to the students.   Please have the appropriate information filled out and turned back in to their 6th grade teachers before that day.

EES SITE COUNCIL:   A special thanks to all the people who have expressed an interest in running for site council.  We will be announcing our new site council members in the next couple of weeks.  Site council has been very active in the past couple of years working with the school providing support for some of the activities that we are involved in during the school year.

FUN DAY:  School is near an end and it is time to celebrate another successful year!  This year’s Eisenhower Elementary School FUN DAY is scheduled for Tuesday, May 16th.   It will run approximately 1:00 to 3:15 PM.  We are looking for volunteers to help at the different activity stations.  If you are interested in helping out with this fun filled afternoon, please let JOAN BOLT know ASAP.  Thanks for your support!

MTSS:  A combination of curriculum and instructional practices are used to support students in achieving outcomes.  It is important to distinguish between curriculum and instruction.  The curriculum is what is taught; instruction is how it is taught.  When students are learning new or difficult tasks, they are given more assistance.  As they begin to demonstrate task mastery, the assistance or support is decreased gradually in order to shift the responsibility for learning from the teacher to the student.  As the student assumes more responsibility for their learning, the teacher provides less support.