THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU:I would like to thank all the parents for a great school year. You have wonderful children. I have enjoyed working with your students and I look forward to a great year, next year!
LUNCH ACCOUNTS, TEXTBOOK RENTAL, LIBRARY FINES, BAND RENTAL: Please check to see if your child owes for meals. If your child has money in their account, this account will be transferred to next year. If your child owes for meals, please send the money to school as soon as possible in order for us to close the books. If you owe for textbook rental, please send this money to school with your child. Remember, book rental, meal money and library fines for the 2015/2016 school year must be paid before the student receives his/her report card. THANK YOU for your cooperation in this matter.
FUN DAY: Fun day is scheduled for Monday, May 16, 2016.
AWARDS DAY: The awards day is scheduled for Tuesday, the last day of the school year. We will begin at 8:30 AM.
BAND DISPLAY: The band display is set up for Monday, May 16th 2016 starting at 4:00 PM.
GRADE CARDS: Grade cards can be picked up in the school LIBRARY beginning Thursday, May 19th, 2016.
Grade cards are not sent out in the mail!
PAAE & PAAA AWARDS: The President’s Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence and the President’s Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement will be presented to 20 students in the sixth grade on TUESDAY, May 17th, 2016. This award signifies a culminating activity presented to students leaving elementary school. The criteria for qualification of an Outstanding Academic Excellence Award is an A- or above grade point average for the past three years and an 85% or higher score on standardized achievement tests in reading or math. The President’s Outstanding Academic Achievement Award has as its criteria a B+ grade point average for the past three years and an 80 percentile rankings on standardized achievement tests. CONGRATULATIONS TO ONE AND ALL!
SACK LUNCH: The sack lunch served on MONDAY May 16th , 2016 is prepared for the students by the kitchen. On this day we ask that parents NOT eat with their children. THANK YOU!! There will be NO breakfast served on the last day of school, TUESDAY, May 17th 2016.
READ, READ, READ!!!! Many special and fun activities, storytelling, and music are being planned for children of all ages at the Norton Public Library this summer. Summer schedules and more information are available at the Norton Public Library or call 877-2481. We encourage all who can to participate and continue reading throughout the summer.
NEW ADDRESS OR PHONE? We need to know if your address has changed or if you have moved or plan to move this summer. Please call the school office with this information. We don’t want to miss anyone! THANK YOU!
IMPORTANT MEDICATION INFORMATION: For safety reasons, only cough drops will be sent home with children on the last day of school. All other medications will need to be picked up by parents. This may be done any time during the last week of school or when report cards are picked up at the school library. After June 6th, all medication not picked up, WILL BE DISCARDED.