12-16-16 Newsletter

FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK EISENHOWER CONNECTION:  The next newsletter will be January 6, 2017. REPORT CARDS:  Report cards will go out on Thursday, January 5th, 2017. CHANGE OF ADDRESS/PHONE NUMBER:  During the school year, it is possible that some families may change home addresses or phone numbers.  When this happens it is important to update the school office with these changes.  There have been some occasions in the past when we have tried to contact parents and we did not Read more

Remodeled Stull Lobby  The remodeled Stull gym lobby and concessions stand area will be open for use for Tuesday nights junior high games at Stull gym. Please enter the gym area through the Stull lobby doors. 

12-09-16 Newsletter

FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK WINTER CONCERT:  Band students and vocal students in grades one through six will begin to practice for the Winter Program to be held on Monday, December 19th, 2016.   Band students will begin performing at approximately 6:30 P.M., followed by the vocal performance.  Rehearsals will be Thursday, Friday, and Monday, (December 15, 16, 19).   Students will be bussed to the East Campus for the rehearsals.  Please be sure to mark Monday, December 19th, 2016 on Read more

12-02-16 Newsletter

FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK EES CONCERT:  The Winter concert is scheduled for Monday, December 19th.  It will begin at 6:30 PM. and will be held at East Campus in the gym.  The students will practice at East Campus on Thursday at 12:40 PM., on Friday at 8:30 AM. and Monday at 8:30 AM. EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSING:  In the event there is a need to start school late or close schools due to inclement weather, or other emergencies, the announcements will Read more

Winter Weather With the first taste of winter weather hitting the area be sure that you have the numbers you need to stay up to date on school closings.First be sure you are signed up for Textcaster. If you are not signed up you can find the directions on the homepage under Textcaster. We will text any school closing to your cell phone.Next we will put the announcement on the radio. KQNK and KQMA. We will also be in contact Read more

11-18-16 Newsletter

FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK NEWSLETTER ONLINE:  This is the second year of change for the newsletter being posted on-line for parents to access it. The office has included the instructions on how to access the newsletter and the school menus.      Go to usd211.org     Click on EES news tab on the right side     Scroll down until the most current newsletter or menu displays on the screen.       If you have any questions, please call the office.PROGRESS REPORTS: Read more