4-15-16 Newsletter

5/6 VOLLEYBALL: The 5thand 6thgrade After School Volleyball teams will be having scrimmage days on April 28thand 29th. The 5thgrade girls will scrimmage on Thrusday the 28that the East Campus. The 6thgrade will scrimmage on Friday the 29thalso at the East Campus Gym. They have been working hard and are very excited to show off their improved skills. The exhibitions begin at 4:00 PM.
PUBERTY CLASSES: The fifth graders will be viewing the puberty/personal hygiene DVD on Wednesday, April 27th (Girls) and Thursday, April 28th (Boys). The girls will view the “Always Changing – for Girls” DVD with Nurse Streck. The boys will view the “Always Changing – Boys DVD with Nurse Streck. The girls and boys will also have separate time on that day with Joan Bolt for worksheets, vocabulary, and basic facts. On Monday, April 25th, parents/guardians may preview either DVD with Nurse Joan at 12:00 – 12:20 (boys DVD) or 12:30 – 12:50 (girls DVD) in the Art Room. Each preview time will include an opportunity for Q and A with Nurse Streck. Please complete the permission form and return to your student’s teacher by Tuesday, April 26th.
TRANSITION TO JUNIOR HIGH: The sixth grade students at Eisenhower are going to be involved in activities over the month that will help them become more familiar with the Junior High. Parents will be involved in some of these activities. One of the first activities will be the parent meeting scheduled for Monday, April 25th, 2016 starting at 7:00 PM in the music room at the Junior High. On Wednesday, May 4th, 2016, the sixth grade students will travel to the Junior High at 2:45 PM for a visit. During the visit, the students will tour the classrooms, learn about the numerous activities available and visit with the principal. The sixth graders will come back to the Eisenhower for dismissal of school.
SUMMER BIRTHDAYS: If your child celebrates his/her birthday during the summer, arrangements have been made for a specific day to celebrate the months of June, July and August birthdays. June birthdays will be held on Monday, May 2nd, 2016. July birthdays on Monday, May 9th, 2016. Birthdays in August (up to the date of August 18th) and the rest of May birthdays on Monday, May 16th, 2016. The student will receive a card, sticker, pencil, and a cupcake from the kitchen.
SITE COUNCIL: EES will be looking for parents who are interested in serving on Site Council for the next two years. If you are interested, please contact a local site council member or the office for more details. There will be four meetings each year. Each meeting will last close to an hour. Thanks for your interest in this matter.
EES FUN DAY: Monday, May 16th,2016 is EES Fun Day. Mrs. Bolt is looking for volunteers for that afternoon to supervise games in the afternoon. If interested, please contact Mrs. Bolt at school. Fun Day begins at 1:00 and ends a little after 3:00. Thanks for your interest in helping.
KINDERGARTEN SCREEN: Just a reminder there is NO school for kindergarten students on Friday, April, 22, 2016. Eisenhower is conducting their annual KDG screen for next year’s students.

MTSS: While we continue to work towards implementing MTSS in our school this year for our students and staff, a vital component to the success of the program is the support of parents in this process. If parents want more information about how we are implementing MTSS in our school, feel free to contact the office for the necessary information.