BIG BROTHER/BIG SISTER: If a parent is interested in knowing more about the Big Brother Big Sister program between the Norton High School and Eisenhower Elementary, please contact the office and we can provide you with the information.
STATE ASSESSMENTS: The Kansas State Assessments will continue for students in grade 3, 4, 5, and 6. State assessments will continue until the end of April. It always helps performance if the students get plenty of rest and are encouraged to do their best on the tests.
So far results on the early testing have been pretty good. Keep supporting your student during this important time of the school year.
EISENHOWER SITE COUNCIL ELECTIONS: The Eisenhower Site Council will begin taking nominations for positions being vacated by present members. Nominations will be accepted from parents of kindergarten through fifth grade students until Friday, May 8th, 2015. You may nominate by phone or in writing to the school office (877-5113). The positions open are:
Position 1 Parent Two years 2016/2017 & 2017/2018
Position 3 Parent Two years 2016/2017 & 2017/2018
Position 5 Parent Two years 2016/2017 & 2017/2018
Eisenhower Site Council will meet eight times over the course of the school year. Each meeting will last one hour and focus on school improvement. If you are interested in knowing more about this group, please contact the office for additional information. Thank you for your interest!
PICKING UP STUDENTS: After school it has been observed that some people are blocking the driveways of our neighbors to the East. Please consider this being an issue for our neighbors in case they had to leave in an emergency.
Please encourage your students to use crosswalks at all times, before and after school.
6thGRADE TRANSITION: During the next few weeks, Eisenhower Elementary will be working with the Junior High in developing a transition process for the 6thgrade students to the Junior High. One of the first activities will be a parent meeting scheduled for Monday, April 25th, 2016 starting at 7:00 PM. in the music room at the Junior High. On Wednesday, April 27th2016, the sixth grade students will travel to the Junior High at 2:45 PM. for a visitation. During this visit, the students will tour the classrooms, learn about the numerous activities available and visit with the principal. The students will walk back to the Eisenhower for dismissal.
During the week of April 25th2016, Mrs. Hauser, school counselor, will be handing out enrollment forms to the students to take home and fill out with the parents. They will be due back to their homeroom teacher by Wednesday, April 27th, 2016.
STUDENT SICKNESS: A child needs to be fever free for 24 hours without having Tylenol or Ibuprofen reducing the fever, before they can come back to school. Students still contagious during that 24 hour period are exposing their classmates if they come back to school too soon. If you have a question about this, please contact school nurse Joan Streck.
KINDERGARTEN SCREENING: There will be no school for kindergarten studentson Friday, April 22nddue to kindergarten screens for new kindergarten students next year.
MTSS: More than 30 years of research exists indicating how children learn to read, why some children fail at reading, and what components and practices are necessary to provide effective instruction in reading. A multi-tiered reading model has been designed to implement these research findings and meet instructional needs of all readers. MTSS is a prevention model aimed at providing early supports to students before they become disengaged from school because of advanced learning needs or falling behind. Considerable research supports the importance of using systematic and explicit instruction when teaching the five essential areas of reading—namely: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.