WINTER CONCERT: Band students and vocal students in grades one through six will begin to practice for the Winter Program to be held on Monday, December 21st, 2015. Band students will begin performing at approximately 6:30 P.M., followed by the vocal performance. Rehearsals will be Thursday, Friday, and Monday, (December 17, 18, 21). Students will be bussed to the East Campus for the rehearsals. Please be sure to mark Monday, December 21st, 2015 on your calendar!
WEATHER: We are in the winter months and we would like to remind parents to send children to school dressed appropriately. Gloves and hats in cold weather are important for students before and after school, along with going out to recess. A person loses almost half their body heat through their head.
GINGERBREAD HOUSE: The first graders will be building their Gingerbread Houses on Tuesday, December 15th, 2015. They will begin at 1:30 PM and work in the cafeteria. This is a fun event for the students and their parents who are invited to participate.
SEMESTER: The second nine weeks and 1stsemester ends on December 22nd, 2015. Report cards will go out on Wednesday, January 6th, 2016. School resumes for the students on Tuesday, January 5th, 2016.
HEALTH: The school would like to thank the parents for their support in helping remind children to wash hands and demonstrating other health precautions this year. The number of children sick and missing school has been about average or below average for the year. The school has taken precautions during the school hours with sanitizers and hand wipes in the classrooms and in the lunchroom.
BIG BROTHERS/BIG SISTERS: If a parent is interested in signing up their child for participation in the Big Brothers/ Big Sisters program, they need to contact the office and we can send home an application. The intention is to have students from EES matched with a high school student in Norton. The interaction between the EES student and the High School student would take place at EES during non-academic times such as breakfast, lunch and possible before or after school. If there are specific questions about the program, please contact Mr. Roy at the school. Application forms are at the school and can be picked up in the office.