Job Opportunities

USD 211 is seeking individuals for the following positions: Bus driver, (we pay for license, etc), Proctor at the High School. (You would oversee Spanish classes that are with an online teacher), Custodian, (This position would be for East Campus and the Stull gym area. ) This is a 12 month 44 hour a week position. These positions all are provided with a single insurance plan for the entire year. USD 211 is an equal opportunity employer.

Changes in Graduation Schedule for June 20, 10:00 am Stull Gym

Due to a significant chance of storms on Friday night, the NCHS Graduation Ceremony will be held at Stull Gym. The ceremony will still begin at 10:00 am. Each student will be given 17 tickets at practice on Thursday evening to distribute to family and friends. No one will be admitted into the graduation ceremony without a ticket. There will be signs on the bleachers to mark where people can sit and where spaces should be left empty to allow Read more

NCHS Graduation

The Norton Community High School Graduation has been rescheduled for June 20, 2020 at 10:00 am. Graduation is scheduled for Travis Field to allow social distancing with Stull Gym as a backup depending on the social distancing rules at the time of graduation. The location and format will depend on the rules in place at that time. Please check back for updates as we get closer to graduation day!

NCHS Graduation Postponed

NCHS graduation has been postponed. It is tentatively rescheduled for June 21, 2020. It will still be at 2:30 pm. If there are changes we will let everyone know as soon as we possibly can.