11/13/2020 Newsletter


NEWSLETTER ONLINE: This is the sixth year of change for the newsletter being posted on line for parents to access it. The office has included the instructions on how to access the newsletter and the school menus.
Go to usd211.org,
click on news tab on the right side
scroll down until the most current newsletter or menu displays on the screen. If you have any questions, please call the office.

BACKPACK PROGRAM: A reminder we have a program to help families out on weekends with food. If a parent would like more information, they can contact the school and talk to Mr. Roy.

THANKSGIVING DINNER: Just a friendly reminder that on Friday, November 20th is the Eisenhower Thanksgiving Dinner for the students.

REPORTING TO OFFICE: It is important for parents to please contact the office in case of an abscence or tardy of a student. The office has to keep track of the days a student is gone from school or may be late to school. The office will then contact the teacher of the abscences of the student. Your help is appreciated in this matter.

COATS AND HATS: If you are missing a jacket, or other clothing itmes, it might be on the ramp in the building. We tell the students to look to see if anything belongs to them, but instead of the pile getting smaller, it is getting larger.

DROP OFFS: A reminder the NORTH parking lot on the EAST side of school is for staff only and NOT a drop off for students in the morning. Exit Armory Drive south on Eisenhower Street and drop off the students in front of the building. Thank you

TRANSPORTATION: A special thanks to the USD 211 bus drivers and to the bus transportion director Jim Jackson for transporting our students in a safe and efficient manner. Your child(ren) are in safe hands with these dedicated people.
USD 211 employs four crossing guards who help insure that children crossing the highway are able to do so in a safe manner.
We should all be thankful that we have a great group of people helping our students be safe in their journey to and from school.

BUS PICK UP AND DROP OFF: The office would like to remind parents to let the school know as soon as possible if there are any changes in a students schedule. The office can get that message to the students before dismissal and hopefully avoid any potential conflicts after school.

CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: Due to concerns with Covid 19, there will be no Eisenhower Christmas Program this year.

THANKSGIVING BREAK: Just a reminder that Thanksgiving Break will begin on Wednesday, November 25th. School will resume on Monday, November 30th.

CHRISTMAS BREAK: A reminder that Christmas Break will begin Wednesday, December 23rd. School will resume on Tuesday, January 5th.