EES KINDERGARTEN ROUNDUP: Kindergarten Roundup is scheduled for Monday, March 2nd, 2020. This meeting is for parents only. At 5:00 PM. there will be a meeting in the cafeteria with Mr. Roy, the school nurse, and kindergarten teachers going over what the expectations will be for the 2020/2021 school year. There will be time to sign up for the kindergarten screen scheduled for Friday, May 1, 2020.
If you know of a family that might have a student in this age range, would you please pass this information to them, or have them call the school for additional information at 877-5113.
SPRING BREAK: Spring Break for USD 211 is scheduled for March 16th through March 20th . School will resume on Monday, March 23rd 2020.
3RD NINE WEEKS: The third nine weeks is scheduled to end on Friday, March 6th, 2020.
REPORT CARDS: Reports cards are scheduled to go home on Wednesday, March 11th, 2020.
ASSESSMENTS: Please help your child get plenty of rest this week and help them understand the importance of doing well on the State assessments. Thank you for your time with this matter.
EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREEN: Eisenhower Elementary, will be conducting a free Early Childhood Screen on Friday, March 6th, 2020. If you have a concern in any of the following developmental areas: vision, hearing, speech, motor, behavior and / or reasoning, please call to schedule your child for this screening. Those eligible are children age birth through 5. Early Childhood screenings will take place throughout the day. The appointments are approximately 45 minutes in length. To schedule an appointment, please call Eisenhower Elementary at 877-5113 by March 22nd, 2020, and ask for Kari Kendall.
SUMMER PLANS: Even though summer is a couple of months away, if a family is planning on moving from Norton during the summer, please contact the office. Schedules, class lists and other school related issues are being worked on now in preparation for the 2020/2021 school year.
SUMMER SCHOOL: There will be summer school for students this year . Letters will be sent out to parents, and more information will be in future newsletters.
BEST CHOICE: The school is still collecting Best Choice labels that are found on cans and other food products in our local grocery stores. The Best Choice labels are found by the bar codes on these products. We are going to use the labels to purchase additional alternative seating for our classrooms. Save them for us and we will send them off at the end of the year. Best Choice labels are found on a lot of the products, so please help us out in this activity to secure funds for our alternative seating in our school. Best Choice labels do not replace BoxTops as we will continue to do BoxTops as well for our school.
Thank you for your help and support in this matter.