Year: 2020
12/18/20 Newsletter
FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK EISENHOWER CONNECTION: The next newsletter will be January 8, 2021. REPORT CARDS: Report cards will go out on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 CHANGE OF ADDRESS/PHONE NUMBER: During the school year, it is possible that some families may change home address or phone numbers. When this happens it is important to update the school office with these changes. There have been some occasions in the past when we have tried to contact parents and we did not Read more
12/4/2020 Newsletter
EES CONCERT: The Winter concert for 2020 has been cancelled. EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSING: In the event there is a need to start school late or close schools due to inclement weather, or other emergencies, the announcements will be made on the radio and television stations listed below. KQNK of Norton is the primary broadcast outlet for the Norton schools.RADIO STATIONS:KQNK 1530 AM 106.7 FM NortonKRVN 880 AM Lexington, NEKKAN 1490 AM PhillipsburgKQMA 92.5 FM Phillipsburg TELEVISION STATIONS:KSNK NBC Channel 8KBSH Read more
11/20/2020 Newsletter
FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESKTHANK YOU!!!!!!! As challenging as the school year has been, it is extremely important to recognize the parents and the important role they play in this process. Students come to school well rested and encouraged to do their best by their parents and that is a huge motivator for the students. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: An early reminder, the Eisenhower Christmas Band and Vocal concert has been cancelled. PROGRESS REPORTS: Progress reports went home on Thursday the 19th. If Read more
11/13/2020 Newsletter
FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK NEWSLETTER ONLINE: This is the sixth year of change for the newsletter being posted on line for parents to access it. The office has included the instructions on how to access the newsletter and the school menus.Go to,click on news tab on the right sidescroll down until the most current newsletter or menu displays on the screen. If you have any questions, please call the office. BACKPACK PROGRAM: A reminder we have a program to Read more
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