11/01/2019 Newsletter


PROGRESS REPORTS: Progress reports will be going home on the 13th of November except for kindergarten students. If you have not already signed up, you can monitor your child’s progress while at home. It is a simple procedure, if you have access to the Internet. You can contact the office and Darcie will set you up with a password and then you can have access to the progress of your child on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. If you have questions you would like to ask the teacher, but can’t find the time in the day to do so, you may e-mail them at school, and when they have the opportunity they will respond back to you. The same goes for contacting the principal in the office. It is simply the teacher’s first initial, last name @usd211.org. I would be croy@usd211.org.

COATS AND HATS: Fall weather is here, with Winter weather just around the corner. When the temperature gets colder, please send your child to school with hats and gloves, along with their winter coats. Students will need winter boots when the snow starts to land on the ground and stick.

FLU AND COLD SEASON: Please remind your children to drink plenty of liquids and get plenty of sleep in the next few months. We want our children in school for effective learning. Proper nutrition and plenty of rest will help the students stay in school, where we want them, on a daily basis.

USD 211 TEXT CASTER: The USD TextCaster is utilized for weather cancellations or other changing news that affects USD 211 school calendar. If you have not signed up for this FREE service you are encouraged to do so. Go to www.usd211.org – click on “BlueJay Alerts TextCaster” and follow the easy set-up instructions.

5th and 6th GRADE THINKING CAP QUIZ BOWL: 5th grade Thinking Cap Quiz Bowl is scheduled for Tuesday, November 5th and the 6th grade is scheduled for Wednesday, November 6th, 2019. It will begin at 3:00 PM. at the Eisenhower School.

KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM: An early reminder that the kindergarten students will have a program at 2:00 PM on Tuesday, November 26th in the school cafeteria.

THANKSGIVING DISMISSAL: An early reminder that there will be no school for the Thanksgiving Break starting on Wednesday, November 27th . School will resume as normal on Monday, December 2nd 2019.