08/23/2019 Newsletter

MULTI-TIER SYSTEM OF SUPPORT: MTSS is designed as a framework based on prevention, early intervention, and support for all students. The process of creating MTSS is neither a quick fix nor the adoption of new rhetoric. It is a thoughtful and intentional redesign of educational practices and supports provided by general education and entitlement programs such as At-Risk, Title 1, and Special Education. Classified staff in these programs will also be involved to ensure that the individual needs of all students are being met in the most effective and efficient way possible.
One of the major components of MTSS is the development of the CORE BELIEFS. The following four statements created by the staff at Eisenhower define our CORE BELIEFS.
¬ The teaching and learning process is coherent, intentional, and dynamic.
¬ Learning includes academic, behavioral, and social skills.
¬ Every child learns and achieves to his/her highest potential.
¬ All school personnel are responsible for every child.
PLAYGROUND: During the evenings and weekends, our playground gets many visitors which is great. HOWEVER, increased visitors means more trash and to some degree some vandalism on the equipment. It almost impossible to supervise the off time people use our equipment so we are just asking for our visitors to police themselves while using the school equipment. IF something is observed that could be dangerous or major vandalism to the equipment to call the school or even the police to alert us of the situation. Thanks for your time in this matter.
TRANSPORTATION: The first week or two of school can be challenging to school personnel ensuring that students leave school in accordance with what parents want. Please communicate to your child’s teacher through the assignment book or a phone call to the secretary on what they are to do after school if there is a change in their normal plans. Thank you for your help in this matter.
PHONE CALLS: If you have a change of plans for your child during the day, a phone call before 3:00 PM. would be greatly appreciated. Announcements are given to classrooms starting at 3:10 PM. We want to do the best we can to get the appropriate information to your child in a timely fashion.
AFTER SCHOOL PICKUP: Once again we ask that parents wait outside the school when picking up their child. This is a very busy time of the day preparing students to go home and we want to make sure the teacher and each child have this time alone before the end of the day. Thanks for your understanding.
LUNCH: If you would like to eat lunch with your child, the office needs to know by 9:30 AM. This allows the kitchen staff enough time to prepare the appropriate number of meals for students and adults.
BREAKFAST: This is the seventh year of the Healthy Hungry Food Kids Act (HHFKA) from 2012 for the breakfast program. The cooks have spent many hours this summer meeting the new requirements implemented by the program.
MILK PRICES: The price for a milk this year is .40 cents. If your child is eating a sack lunch , but wanting to drink meal, please send .40 cents.
BUS SHUTTLE: There is an additional pick-up spot at Horace Greely Avenue, which is the parking lot for the Norton Manor. The bus will arrive there daily at approximately 7:30 a.m. The bus will depart as soon as all waiting students have boarded and the students will be taken directly to the Eisenhower Elementary School. If you plan to have your child(ren) use this new bus stop, they need to be signed up at school, or you can contact Jim Jackson, Transportation Director. Other afternoon shuttle buses and locations are unchanged.