EES CONCERT: The Winter concert is scheduled for Monday, December 11th. It will begin at 6:30 PM. and will be held at East Campus in the gym. The students will practice at East Campus on Wednesday at 12:30 and at 8:30 AM. on Thursday and Monday.
EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSING: In the event there is a need to start school late or close schools due to inclement weather, or other emergencies, the announcements will be made on the radio and television stations listed below. KQNK of Norton is the primary broadcast outlet for the Norton schools.
KQNK 1530 AM 106.7 FM Norton
KRVN 880 AM Lexington, NE
KKAN 1490 AM Phillipsburg
KQMA 92.5 FM Phillipsburg
KSNK NBC Channel 8
KBSH CBS Channel 7
NTV ABC Channel 13
GINGERBREAD HOUSE: The 1st graders will be working on their Gingerbread Houses on the 12th of December at 2:00 PM. in the school cafeteria.
GO EDU STAR: If parents would like to monitor their child’s progress, they can contact the elementary office and receive a password that will enable them to access their child’s work at school.
WINTER ACTIVITIES: The high school winter sports scene is upon us, which is a time to remind our students what is appropriate behavior while attending basketball games and wrestling matches.
TOBACCO POLICY: A reminder that all the school properties in Norton are TOBACCO FREE.
PICKING UP CHILDREN: A reminder that the teachers and the office appreciate any advance notice of parents picking up students during the day. Advance notice allows the teachers to make sure the student has everything they need when they leave school. Attendance is a very important part of the school day and with prior notice of a student leaving school early, it allows the office to keep accurate records.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: There are times during the holiday break, that families will move from one address to the next or change a phone number. If this occurs, please let the school know of the changes. This assures us that we will be able to get ahold of parents when the need arises. If a family is planning on moving from Norton, please let us know so we can send appropriate information to the new school. Thanks for your help in this manner.
REPORT CARDS: Report cards will be going home the first week of January after we come back from the Holiday Break.
HANDWASHING: We have hand sanitizer available in all the rooms as well as in the lunchroom. Parents can help the school by encouraging your child(ren) to observe the proper ways to washing their hands and covering their mouth while sneezing or coughing.
TRANSPORTATION: We are asking parents to talk with their child(ren) about using the crosswalks when being dropped off the shuttle buses in the afternoon. It is important that students exercise caution when being dropped off the bus. The bus drivers do a great job communicating with the students when they get on and off the bus, but it helps when parents talk to their child about the importance of being safe.
SCHOOL BUS GUIDELINES FOR SAFE RIDING: Riding a school bus can be a fun time for students, however, it is a privilege to ride a bus and not a right. We have a great bunch of bus drivers in our community who spend countless hours transporting children safely to and from school, and school activities. We need to do all we can to help make their job easier during the school session, so the students are safer on the buses.
TITLE 1 SCHOOL-WIDE PROGRAMS: Title 1 is the United States largest federal aid program for elementary schools. Eisenhower Elementary went through a lengthy application process four years ago to become a School Wide Title 1 Program. The purpose of a School Wide program is to improve student achievement throughout the entire school. Every child will benefit from the added services and programs that a School Wide Title 1 program can offer. Parents of EES students have the option to request information regarding the professional qualifications of their classroom teachers by contacting the office. At this time all Eisenhower elementary teachers are highly qualified according to State standards.
TITLE READING /MATH: Reading—Set aside a time and place for reading- like a comfortable chair with a reading light for bedtime stories, OR visit your public library on a regular basis. Find a book or two and read with your child that was one of your favorites when you were a child. Math—Ask your child to count change at the grocery store, or to estimate the total cost while shopping.